A brief introduction to the Pocklington Canal Amenity Society
The Society was formed in 1969, to protect and restore the Pocklington Canal. It has been a Registered Charity, number 500637, since 15 January 1971. Some members are interested in waterways in general but many just value their local canal.
PCAS promotes the canal as an amenity to be enjoyed by everyone and liaises with public bodies and other organisations that have an interest in the canal. A major objective of the Society is to complete the restoration of the canal to allow boats to reach the terminus at Canal Head. A major objective of the Society is the restoration of the canal to allow boats to reach the terminus at Canal Head. The biggest recent achievement was to extend the navigable length of canal by two miles in 2018.
We have over 350 members and you are welcome to join the society
PCAS organises social events for members and the public and raises funds to
support maintenance and restoration of the canal.
Members can become volunteers.
PCAS publishes a magazine called Double Nine which is sent to members.
Please click on Pocklington Canal Society at the top of the page for more information.